Feng Shui is all about balance, and during the holidays, I’ve found that a few healthy boundaries let me enjoy the season while preserving my peace.

I posted a similar list awhile back and got a lot of positive replies, so here’s an updated list of tips. (Personally I cant be reminded to do this enough!)

When less ho-ho-ho is more: You might like to put up holiday décor throughout your house, but avoid turning your cheer into clutter. Resist the urge to overdo it, and preserve at least one part of the house where you can restore and reconnect to the real spirit – the one that is always shining within you.

Size matters: With the possible exception of kids toys, a little gift goes a long way. Nobody really needs anything, so there’s no reason to go all out on an oversized or overpriced gift.

A small, well considered gift is usually appreciated more than a large one. It shows that you truly thought about their unique style or taste AND you didn’t want to add more clutter to their space.

I lean towards items that can be used up – like a great hand lotion or candle, so the recipient can throw away (or hopefully recycle) the container after using it.

Set your holiday hours: As you receive invitations to parties, really think about how each one works with your schedule, and if you’d genuinely enjoy being there. As an introvert, I know I need time to recover after an event, so I remind myself that I don’t have to accept every single invite.

When I politely decline an event, I send my best wishes and ask the host if we can make a date for coffee or lunch in the new year. That kind of quality time with a friend is always a gift.

Kidding around: Do you remember what you really loved about the holidays as a kid? My favorite thing was making cookies with my Grandma, using her cherished family’s recipes. Make a commitment to do one or two of those things this season – just for you. If nobody in your family wants to join you, fine, do it on your own! Igniting that childlike joy will definitely put you in the holiday spirit.

Create real magic: Visualization is a powerful practice I use before heading to any holiday gathering. A quick moment of envisioning how I want to show up and be present with family and friends, as well as picturing their bright, smiling faces, can do wonders (it really worked for me this Thanksgiving)!

Try it. Visualize, and watch how people catch your high vibe like sparks from a fire. It’s amazing how often this simple practice manifests magical experiences that far exceed our expectations.

I wish you a delightful, magical, and peaceful holiday season. With a little healthy boundary-setting and a good dose of self-care, you can feel the joy of the season and have plenty of cheer to share with those you love.

Happy Holidays!

more than just a pretty space - feng shui tips - feng shui specialist

PS: Until December 15, I’m offering signed copies of my book, beautifully packaged and ready to gift! Look for the wrapped book on my homepage (or hit reply and let me know) and grab a personalized copy for yourself, or someone who’d like to create the home, and life, of their dreams!