

feng shui consultant

More Than just a Pretty Space: Make small changes to your home, Manifest big changes in your life



17 Book Awards including 7 first Place Awards

” I was BLOWN AWAY by every page of this book!”

–  Stephanie

“I was astonished at how manageable my project became!”

–  Tori

“This book changed the course of my life!”

–  Ana

“A gem! I thought it was going to be about decorating my home but it’s about so much more. It’s about actualizing your dreams.”

–  KKY

This is more than a home improvement bookIn this award-winning, fun, hands-on guide, Reiko teaches you to clarify your personal vision, feng shui and style your home, and dramatically improve your belief that you can have the life of your dreams. By the time you’ve been through her unique Dream Design Process, you will have created a space that feels wonderful, looks beautiful, and draws miracles into your life.

“When we create a home that mirrors the life we want to live, we attract that life to us.”

With real-life examples culled from years of experience in the field, and workbook-style exercises to guide you along the way, More Than Just a Pretty Space provides all the tools you’ll need to design a house that both matches and manifests the things you want most in life.

Book Review, More Than Just a Pretty Space

Indie Reader

4.5 stars out of 5 stars

A certified feng shui specialist, Gomez does more than match carpets to loveseats. She emphasizes that a home and a homeowner are in a relationship, and when one partner wants something from the other partner, they have to make specific requests. In other words, “you have to tell your home exactly what you want.” Despite its hints of mysticism, however, More Than Just a Pretty Space is more than just a fuzzy concept. Gomez offers plenty of practical advice, such as her method for decluttering. Grounded in Eastern philosophy but not suffocated by it, Reiko Gomez’s MTJAPS is an important precursor to DIY home decorating.