Hello and Happy New Year!
While some people like resolutions, I prefer a vision for the year, imagining what I’d like to see happen, but even more importantly, how I want to feel in this new year.
(In 2024, it’s: physically strong 💪🏼, creatively expressed 🎨, and spiritually connected 🧘🏼♀️.)
However you approach the year, I’d like to give you a few tips for arranging your space so that it supports you in reaching your goals. I’d also like to offer you a chance to join me in a free workshop on Sunday, Jan. 21. See details at the end of this letter.
Make space for your vision
Here are three suggestions, based on the three steps of Decluttering, Styling and Feng Shui. These make up the heart of my “Dream Design process” as outlined in my book, More Than Just a Pretty Space. Let’s look at each:
Declutter: What room of your home relates to your vision this year? Give yourself 30 minutes to organize and arrange that space so it feels more appealing and aligned with your goal.
For example, since I’m focused on my physical strength, I organized my home gym. I cleaned and rearranged the room so that its more appealing, and added a Nespresso maker for liquid motivation (I’m still largely off caffeine, but a decaf can come in handy at the right moment).☕
Style: Add two things to your space that you’d like to see every day, to remind you of your goal.
For example, to support my vision of greater spiritual connection in 2024, I created a pretty little altar on my bedroom dresser, and replaced the books on my bedside table with a few spiritual books I want to read this year. 📚
Feng Shui: To improve the flow of energy in your space, look around your home and answer these questions:
- Does the room have good lighting?
- How is the flow of the furniture layout?
- Is there anything in the space that is bringing up negative feelings (perhaps from a prior relationship or a difficult time in your life)?
For example, to support my vision of creative expression, I rearranged my home office. It now has less furniture, more space to spread out my design projects, and better lighting (I even got rid of two light fixtures that reminded me of a difficult period). The flow is so much nicer, and I find I want to be there more often. 👌
If you’d like more help creating a space that matches your vision for the year ahead, I’ll be doing a free workshop: “Visualize your year and Refresh your space” on Sunday, Jan. 21st at 2pm ET/ 11am PT/ 7pm GMT.
Look for my email with a zoom link a few days before.
We’ll get your energy aligned with your goals for a fabulous 2024!
And please feel free to share your vision for 2024 with me, and I will intend that it happens for you. 😊
Thanks for being on this journey with me, may we all achieve our vision for the year ahead!
Warm wishes,
PS: Again, please save the date and join me on Sunday, Jan. 21 at 2pm ET.
You’ll get a zoom link in my next email. If you’ve read my book, you’ll have even more tools to maximize the results of this workshop, but either way, you’re warmly invited to join!
PPS: If you can’t make it live, don’t worry, I’ll send out a link to the replay. 😉